Safety Heroes - the Health, Safety, and Environment Podcast
The Health, Safety, and Enviroment space is made of everyday people who are real-life heroes, committed to creating a safe environment and engaging safety culture within their companies. Their priority is to ensure each and everyone of their employees gets to return home after a day’s work unharmed, and that both wellbeing and the planet are a core consideration: they are unsung heroes.
In fact, you never hear about them when they do their jobs right!
We want to celebrate these everyday people and inspire others in that space to look at things differently, improve their safety management plans and overall learn as a collective; making “HSE” a cornerstone of every company’s culture.
So let’s celebrate those leaders from the Health, Safety, and Environment space who stand on the frontline and the emotional/human implications of working in the safety space.
Safety Heroes - the Health, Safety, and Environment Podcast
Gokhan Yildiz - Nurturing leadership skills across all functions and embracing Tech’s transformative impact on the Health & Safety space
Today we have Gokhan Yildiz, Managing Director of DSSD Consultants and we learn about his remarkable transition from a long tenure at Shell, a global giant where he was recognised for his innovative approach, to embracing the dynamic and uncertain world of startups and eventually founding his safety and sustainability consultancy.
Throughout his journey, Gokhan emphasises the importance of continuous learning and the value of stepping out of the comfort zone. His executive education at Harvard Business School heralded a pivotal shift, particularly in appreciating the potential of AI and digital transformation to enhance safety and operational efficiency.
Gokhan's story brings a plethora of insights into the inner workings of health and safety leadership, and leadership as a whole, suggesting that nurturing leadership skills could be a transformative step for professionals in the field;
but also covers some fascinating concepts and programs such as the Hearts and Minds program and the 5 steps of organisational maturity.
And how immersive technologies can engage employees more effectively than traditional methods, marking a significant shift towards adopting new tools for better compliance and safety outcomes. His experience implies a broader application and necessity for innovation in safety training within various industries.
Dive in,
you are in for a treat.
To follow Gokhan's journey, you can find him on LinkedIn.
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